Saturday, August 19, 2006

A lovely letter today

Today I received a lovely letter from a friend who has recently become a Christian whilst incarcerated.

How easy it is for us to feel so privileged with regular access to friends, church meetings and bookshops - yet how isolated it can feel in prison with none of these.

Just a small hand reaching out can make ALL the difference to an individual - help them hold on for just a little longer, to find the peace they need, to feel cared for - all things we can so often take for granted.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Offering real hope to the lost & lonely

A new delivery of small booklets from Lifewords arrived today - they've got a great new booklet called "Picking up the Pieces" which is great for prisoners who often seem to struggle with loneliness, isolation and the tough life they face until the finish their sentence.

We've been able to respond to Mr V.U.'s request for resources to enable him to minister to prisoners in northern Nigeria and let them know that they are cared for and loved by God, when they often feel forgotten by the world.

God is so gracious - He meets each one of us just where we are and gently encourages us to grow and change more into His image.

As we send out resources, I'm mindful of several Bible verses - one which tells us that the word of God is a two-edged sword -
"For the word of God is living, and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and is able to discern the thoughts and intentions of the heart." Hebrews 4:12

and also
"dear friends, build yourselves up in the most holy faith .."
Jude 1:20

As people read the Bible's that are sent and are encouraged by the stories of others whose lives have been changed by God - lives will be changed and glory will be given to God. Praise God for His awesome grace to each one of us.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Latest book order from STL

Finally, after setting up an account with STL (Send the Light) I've been able to place my first order for Bibles.

Initially I was able to buy them from the Keith Jones bookshop in Bournemouth - but as we needed more resources it made good financial sense to order them direct from the suppliers.

They're a great firm with good customer service and offer next day delivery.

I've also been able to get some great resources from CWR who are obviously having a warehouse clear out! Titles such as "Can I really know fulfillment" and "Can I really know God", as well as the childrens' "Best Bible Stories" book.

I'm thankful for the ability to suddenly have a shelf full of resources ready to send out and will be making up some parcels later today once my delivery has arrived. I already have requests from prison ministries in Ghana and Nigeria and a few request from individuals for their own Bible.

"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any Double-Edged Sword"
Hebrews 4:12

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Starfish story - an inspiration

Of the hundreds of thousands of men and women incarcerated around the world - we can only reach the smallest handful. So why bother - can it make a difference?

Here's a story to inspire the heart:-

One day an old man was walking along the beach. It was low tide, and the sand was littered with thousands of stranded starfish that the water had carried in and then left behind. The man began walking very carefully so as not to step on any of the beautiful creatures. Since the animals still seemed to be alive, he considered picking some of them up and putting them back in the water, where they could resume their lives.

The man knew the starfish would die if left on the beach's dry sand but he reasoned that he could not possibly help them all, so he chose to do nothing and continued walking.
Soon afterward, the man came upon a small child on the beach who was frantically throwing one starfish after another back into the sea. The old man stopped and asked the child, "What are you doing?"

"I'm saving the starfish," the child replied.

"Why waste your time?... There are so many you can't save them all so what does is matter?" argued the man.

Without hesitation, the child picked up another starfish and tossed the starfish back into the water... "It matters to this one," the child explained.

As each of us matters to God - so each life touched in some way is important and each letter or book can be life-changing for the person that receives it.

We know from the letters we receive that isolated prisoners are so often so happy to receive a letter or parcel and simply to know that they have not been forgotten by the world & that somebody cares.

Hope Books - our aim & mission statement

Hope Christian Books arose from a long connection with Prisoners Abroad - as a supporter but also as a penpal of various British inmates imprisoned overseas.

It became clear that receiving Christian reading materials would be well-received and initially we started by sending a handful of bi-monthly devotionals to prisoners.

As people have found out about us, this has grown to a regular mailing of devotionals to prisoners in various countries but we have also started receiving requests for free bibles and christian books from other organisations ministering to prisoners around the world.

We help as we are able and are currently working to build our funding to enable us to respond to every requests which we receive.

So far we have sent out dozens of books & devotionals and a handful of Bibles - we so want to be able to respond to every request that we receive - and hence to continue to encourage believers and build the kingdom of God.