Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Hope Books - our aim & mission statement

Hope Christian Books arose from a long connection with Prisoners Abroad - as a supporter but also as a penpal of various British inmates imprisoned overseas.

It became clear that receiving Christian reading materials would be well-received and initially we started by sending a handful of bi-monthly devotionals to prisoners.

As people have found out about us, this has grown to a regular mailing of devotionals to prisoners in various countries but we have also started receiving requests for free bibles and christian books from other organisations ministering to prisoners around the world.

We help as we are able and are currently working to build our funding to enable us to respond to every requests which we receive.

So far we have sent out dozens of books & devotionals and a handful of Bibles - we so want to be able to respond to every request that we receive - and hence to continue to encourage believers and build the kingdom of God.


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